H.T.A. 3
Highlander The Amateur 3
Has the dead really come back to haunt Matthew
MacLeod? Or has he finally just lost his mind.
What also is to come of his new student as
well. Has Matthew finally met his match facing
the wrath of someone he has never met before.
Or has he met them? Will he be able to overcome
all odds to handle the present dilemma placed
before him. Or will it all just end with him
losing his head to this person who is connected
to his past......
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These films were made for fun and enjoyment. Not to mention simply being a fan.
Copying, Editing, Distributing or any other unlawful viewing of these movies or use of its pictures is strictly prohibited without prior written permission and notification. All Rights Are Reserved For more information reguarding this movie contact Matthew Allen
Highlander The Amateur 2
Matthew Allen , Laura Ervin , Larry Clabaugh
Approx Running Time 60 mins
All Rights Resevered © 2007