
Highlander The Amateur
Immortals.. and Watchers.. Both different in what
they do, but linked together in ways. One is in the
never ending game for their life in which There Can
Be Only One. The other is only suppose to observe
it and record it all. For one Immortal getting away
from things is not something easily done. For one
Watcher doing their job is not as easy as they think
either. What happens when they are put in a situation
that demands they work together. Sometimes you find
things that are hard to come by even in multiple
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Highlander The Amateur 2
Immortals. Most all have very long and involved
histories with many chapters to them. Each one
involves many different people. Some of those
are other immortals. New immortals. They want
to learn what they are. So they need to learn how
stay alive to have a history. Most new Immortals
never know what has happened to them when
they become one. What would a watcher do if he
suddenly became Immortal? Would he want a teacher?
Would he want to die? Would he want to live?
Or is he just a threat to the game....
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Highlander The Amateur 3
Has the dead really come back to haunt Matthew
MacLeod? Or has he finally just lost his mind.
What also is to come of his new student as
well. Has Matthew finally met his match facing
the wrath of someone he has never met before.
Or has he met them? Will he be able to overcome
all odds to handle the present dilemma placed
before him. Or will it all just end with him
losing his head to this person who is connected
to his past......
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Highlander the Amateur.
Is based on the story of Matthew MacLeod written by Matthew Allen.
There are currently 3 films completed.
These films were made for fun and enjoyment. Not to mention simply being a fan.
Copying, Editing, Distributing or any other unlawful viewing of these movies is strictly
prohibited without prior written permission and notification. All Rights Are Reserved
For more information regarding this movie contact Matthew Allen